Friday, July 03, 2009

pictures of the house for Mariposa

Dear mariposa-

here are the pictures of the house- we will try to get pictures of neighborhood things- like the school you will attend, the YMCA (recreation center), the mall, the library, etc over the next few days/weeks.

This is the front of the house. We recently expanded the front flower bed and and the new plants are suffering shock form the heat we had last week. This week has been cooler but no rain, so that is also an issue for them. The big green bushes under the front window are rose bushes that look awesome (if I do say so myself) in the Spring. The bush on the far right of the house is a lilac bush that smells great in the spring too.
This is a view of the front, but shows the driveway and garage. Spring- all the plants are pink or purple and summer all the plants are yellow, red or purple. Your room is the window on the porch. we also have a porch swing.

Bug waving to you.

This is the kitchen. It is pretty small- 2 people can work in the kitchen, but that is all. The walls here are mustard yellow- the people who owned this house before me painted it, but I am ready to paint it a happy yellow color. this yellow is too brown for me. Those are the 3 zucchinis we harvested on Wednesday- I still need to cut them up to make zucchini bread and zucchini muffins

This is the living room- I am standing near the TV. it needs to be cleaned- so do look too closely at it. The walls are cream with sunshine yellow painted over them. I like this alot.

My room- as known as the "bedroom" as Bug refuses to sleep in his room and sleeps here too. My walls have not been painted, although I think orange sponged on top of yellow would be great. Of course, I would then need to get new drapes. I keep the one window drapes closed all the time because the neighbors next door can see right into my room from their deck. They also like to leave a light on all night. So I have the room as dark as I can get it.

My bathroom- orange sponged on top of yellow. LOVE IT

The hall bath room- or the bath room we brush our teeth in and Bug takes a bath in. Seriously, even though we sleep in my room, we brush our teeth in this one- I think to makes sure Bug does not move into my room completely. It is a mint green color with white bead board and white tile in the bath tub area. it is small though. You use this one - we will work out logistics in the morning for teeth brushing- I think all 3 of us could fit in the room for 5 minutes.

Bug's room- not that he sleeps in it. he picked the paint colors on this wall- the other 3 walls are cream. I picked the bed spread and he likes it- he just does not want to sleep alone.

On to your room - NOTE- right now it has been a storage room for about a month- before that it was my office for 12 months and before that, it was Bug's nursery.

This is sitting on the bed looking toward the door- the book case will be cleaned off and the ironing board will be taken downstairs.

This is in the corner looking at the bed and closet.

The corner where the picture above was taken. The pictures will come down.

standing at the door looking at the bed.
So per the email you sent, I think we could leave the upper portion of the walls, the cream color, leave the dark green stripe around the room and then paint the lower walls (currently the lighter green) a purple color. We also need to think about the drapes (currently the dark green one you see by the pillows). I am thinking to do sheer curtains in the purple color of the lower walls- currently there is white sheer on the windows- you see here. there is also a pull down blind- covering half the window - that would stay for privacy since this room faces the street.
I am also thinking of replacing the double bed (it is 13 years old) with a twin bed or trundle bed. that would give you more room to move around the room. I like the idea of a trundle bed because then you could have a friend over and have a place for them to sleep besides the floor or couch. Also, for me, there are times I need a larger bed for friends who come stay.
What are your thoughts?
for everyone else- look for pictures of Bug tomorrow- we went to the zoo today and of course we have lots of zoo photos to share.
Love and hugs and happy 4th of July to all my American friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Deb, you've got such a nice home.
    Love it!
    Wrote you a mail...
    Love and Hugs,
