Sunday, January 03, 2010

Gratitude day 3- rest

No picture for this one.

I am grateful for REST. The last week has been refreshing for me and for Bug. we have rested our bodies, our minds and our spirits. I have been thinking back to how it was last year for Christmas and the year before that- this year is so different.

Last year, I was stressed preparing for our trip to Guatemala, stressed from missing a week of the holiday due to my business trip to Portugal. it seemed that we rushed through the holidays last year and never got to rest. (Note: Guatemala was relaxing).

The year before that was Bug's first year home and I put so many hopes and dreams on that holiday. I tried to fill our days with activities so that Bug would know that I loved him. It took the total meltdowns from Bug to show me that he was to stressed out by activities.

This year- we did a few things before the holidays, but after the 23rd, we pretty much have stayed at home, hanging out with family and friends- but no trips to see trains, no trips to the zoo, no overwhelming things. We have not had to rush from here to there. We have had time to rest and relax.

I am ready to go back to work tomorrow- even knowing that there is a ton of work waiting for me. Why? because I feel refreshed, I feel relaxed. Certainly I would love a another week or 2 with Bug, but we need the paycheck. Not that I don't love work, I do love my job, I just realize that it is not the end all be all of my life.

Bug is rested, heck he is turning into a teenager with his sleeping habits. he cuddles under the blanket- just some tuffs of hair visible and he sleeps. He is sleeping 12 hours a night IN HIS OWN BED. No drama at bed time, no fight. We say prayers, give hugs and kisses and I sit in the doorway until he falls asleep- although tonight we moved to me sitting there for only 5 minutes.

The rest has restored us both. I hope this rest carries through this week and we can ease back into our normal routine.

I love Sundays because they have come to represent rest to me. Sunday, that is the day where I typically don't plan activities for us, where we hang out, watch football or Nascar and just relax before the work week starts. It used to be my day for napping on the couch- but Bug is not napping so much and I think naps are going away for near future. It is good day.

Today I had to stop Bug from taking our rest away. He wanted to play at Mam and Pap's house after church. When I said no, he asked if they could come over. I said no to that too. Bug was not happy initially, but as the afternoon continued, he was happy that it was just. He needed the rest too. he needed the momma time - the last day before we head back to work and daycare.

I think this time of rest has been good for us - not just in a physical sense, but also in an attachment sense. Bug has had my attention and love for nearly 2 weeks. he has thrived thru this time. it could be his age now, his attachment, his comfort level, but I think this time with me, without us traveling or doing too much has really cemented things for him in terms of his family.

I am grateful for rest- for the blessings it brings.

Love and hugs,

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