We had the single moms over for dinner and conversation (for the mommas) and playtime (for the kids). This was another fun night. The kids played, there were some minor issues, but the kids had fun. The mommas had a wonderful time talking. The differences between the kids now and they were a year ago is incredible- they are some much independent, so much more able to organize games and play together and so much more little kids- not babies. I love this age.

This is how the older kids took a break- watching Backyardigans. D was on a couch by himself since these 3 had been racing through the house earlier and he was busy watching Pablo.

MK2 was pretty subdued early in the evening. She took a while to warm up to the fun tonight- but she was talking up a storm by the end and was keeping up with Bug in all areas.

D preferred to play alone- but looking back, his behavior is the same as Bug's at the same age. Since he is about 1-1.5 years younger than the rest of the crew, it makes sense that he is not at the same interaction level. But he is certainly growing up- his words and behavior are so grown up. I love it.

N playing early in the evening

Gratitude Day2- I am grateful for the strong and wise women who are single moms too. Together we are a group of women who are raising our kids to be strong, independent individuals. They are a great support. I am grateful for times like tonight, where we can come together and hang out. We need to do this more often.
I am also grateful for the time today to spend with women of faith, as we quilted. It was so calming an d refreshing to sit for 3 hours and just be surrounded by these women.
Love to you,
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