I posted a note before this post, so if you want to see that one, scroll down

Hijo and I head out to the park after work today. yes, I had to work on a federal holiday. I keep saying that I need to move to another country where I get more holidays, but the truth is that I love America, so right now, I have no hlidays until May unless I take a vacation day.
Back to the evening. Hijo and I, once agan, had the park to ourselves. I can't say I blame other parents, I thought it was 40-50F out there today based on the weather reports I saw last night, but it was 33F!!! That is just above freeezing!!!!! YIKES and DOUBLE YIKES!
But hijo needed playtime and I knew I could bundle us up. so we headed out. With no snow on the ground, the park was perfect.We played "phone" and we played Dora (the grumpy old troll). Hijo is a great at riddles. We played for about 30 minutes before both of us were commenting that our faces were cold. So we headed home, me to fix dinner and hijo to take a bath to warm up.
This is a picture of Pap "resting" yesterday. He was worn out from playing with hijo. HEHEHEHE.Hijo came up with this new saying for us- we usually leave my sister's house saying things like "see you later, alligator" or "see you soon, baboon". well, hijo started staying "hasta, pasta". I thought he picked it up from cousin Jas, they thought I taught it to him, but no- he thought it up himself. he is so intelligent. Mi hijo es muy inteligente y mas guapo.
Well, as mi hijo dice- hasta pasta,
I am grateful for fears not realized. I have been facing a looming deadline and the possibility that I would be working 16 hour days for the next 3 weeks. That would mean putting hijo to bed and then logging back into the work computer and working until 11 pm. I have been there, done that- just 2 summers ago. It is not fun, I become anxious about missing deadlines and that translates into stress, lack of sle
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