we headed over to hermano's house this afternoon to play, hang out and kick off the new year.
Bug and Hermano certainly are brothers and they are certainly 4 years old. In the space of 5 hours we had 2 well behaved boys, 2 boys beating on each other, a few melt downs, a few time outs and lots of laughs. Yep- life is not dull with these 2. Before we headed over to see Hermano, Bug declared "Hermano is my best friend". AWWWWWW.

It looks like they are reading to each other- but this one of the times that they were not happy with each other. they actually were pretty tired by this time and Hermano refused to read the book to Bug and Bug refused to read the book to Hermano.

Bug decided that the house needed some remodeling.

Vaca Mom and dad taking it easy. She had surgery a few weeks ago and is still recovering. He has been taking care of the farm, family and life while she recovers- hard work indeed.

There was a game of hide and seek- Brother style. the boys played this way- first see where your brother is going to hide, then count, then go through the entire house before coming to the correct location to find your brother. We adults were laughing so hard. the boys thought the closet was the perfect hide.

Just hanging out, brothers and blankets- the perfect situation.

There was some hiding under the train table

lots of laughs and giggles. The hope for relationship being cemented and glued together. While they don't have tangible memories of the first 7 months of their life, it is there and we are nurturing the relationship.

There was some playing in the tent

Some discussion by the boys

Some cooperation and working together.
It was a good night, a really good night. We are getting together again in 3 weeks (hurrah!!!) for some more fun.
Gratitude Day 1: I am so grateful for the extended family that we have gained through the adoption process. I am forever grateful for Vaca Momma reaching out to me in the beginning. She is a wonderful mom and a wonderful example. I am grateful for Vaca Dad, who takes on the dad role for Bug at times and gives him wonderful experiences on the farm - driving a tractor and being with the cows. each visit brings the boys closer- the dream we had for the boys. I am grateful to call them friends.
Love and hugs,
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