We spent Saturday night at a wedding of a dear friend. Hijo had a great time. I think I counted 20 kids at the wedding, so he definitely was not the only one. Late in the evening, he allowed me to to dance with him- this is us dancing. he is actually taking a break from the more physical dancing he and N were doing. 

The lovely bride, N, with her son D (int he white shirt), N and hijo. Hijo had had enough of pictures and was making a break for it.

A better shot. I kept calling N, Princess N. She definitely looked like a princess last night.
The 3 stooges
Watching the policeman on a horse right below the window where we were. The horse fasincated the boys most of the night- they could see the carriages and they could see the ice skaters acorss the street.
Un beso por mu hijo
Dancing is hot, so you have to drink lots of water. Hijo was downing water all night long.
Me and J.
Walking up the aisle. I have never seen a calmer, happier bride. This was a complete celebration.
kissing the bride and D walking out after the ceremony. he is so cute.
dancing fools. they were on the dance floor all night.
I heard that N was asleep in the car before they left the parkign garage- no the case with hijo. But tonight, he was a sleep by 6 pm. So clearly, he was worn out.
Love and hugs,
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