Tuesday, January 05, 2010

sleeping Bug- shhhhh

This morning the roads were not good around here. Since I became a momma, I am pretty cautious about driving on ice with all the other crazy drivers in this city. So Bug had a 2 hour delay (the same delay the schools had today) before heading out to daycare.

My idea was that I would get up and close his bedroom door and then work until he woke up at 8 am. But as I walked into the hallway to close his door, he woke up and refused to stay in the bed while I was in the living room.

So he moved to the couch- see the hair sticking up on the pillow? That would be him. Notice how bundled he is, it is COLD here. He decided that he did not want me to take his picture but I faked him out. I love his pajama choice- Mickey Mouse shirt and Lighting McQueen pants- my boy is all about Disney.

This is the picture he wanted me to get- hiding under the blanket.
He spent the day with my parents as we felt it safer to take him there instead of Auntie Lulu's. She was on board with this idea and even suggested it. I know that she was probably dealing with a migraine too, so it worked out.

After work, I took Bug and my parents to McDonalds so Bug could play in the play area after eating. I guess the 30 minutes of running around and throwing a fit wore him out, because this is what he looked like after I carried him in the house. he got a 20 minute nap and woke up when I tried to take his coat off.

Interesting story form our time at McDonalds. There was a couple watching us and the wife finally asked me what Bug's name was. When I told them, the husband asked if Bug's middle name was pronounced the English way or the Spanish way. When I replied that it changes daily depending on our moods, he told me that he liked the English version.
They then asked if my husband was Hispanic. I told them that Bug had been adopted, which is what they were asking about. the wife burst into tears and began thanking God. we continued to talk, and I kept telling them that I was the lucky one, the blessed one because of being Bug's Momma.
The couple came from Mexico. They shared they had to leave their oldest son behind in Mexico when they came to the US. My heart broke for them.
I guess the point of this is to say that I have never consider Bug's adoption as something I did to be a good person, I did it to be a momma- a selfish reason. I don't consider Bug to be blessed to be my son, he lost so much. I consider myself to be blessed to be Bug's Momma. My life has been blessed since I became his momma. Only he will be able to say if he considers the loss worth it in the end.
I am not sure what I am grateful for tonight- there are many things I could write about, but they all seem trivial in the light of a cyber friend's fight against cancer. I suppose I am grateful for what I have now, a family. Not matter what material circumstances I have been in or will be in, my family will always be there. No matter what happens to me or to Bug, our family will be there for us. While there are many people in our lives that are not related to us by marriage, adoption or blood, I still consider them family- because I know they will be there when we need them. I pray that Trina and her family feel the love of their cyber family through this ordeal.
Love and hugs,


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