Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playing at the Park- finally above freezing here

We headed out to the park this evening.  Yes there is still snow on the ground and yes it looks like hombrecio is not dressed warm enough, but it was almost 50F outside and I knew he would be running around.  He had on fleece lined pants, 2 shirts and his jacket.  He was warm. 
In any case, the park was lovely- we had the playground to ourselves (as expected).  Hombrecito played for about 15 minutes and then we took a walk to find the ducks.  But the ducks were probably sleeping in their nest because we never saw them.  After our walk- about 15 minutes, hombrecito was done. 

We headed back to the car, then to dinner and then home.  He fell asleep in 10 minutes tonight.  I am so thankful that the weather this weekend will be warm and sunny too.  We both need to see the sun and to be outside.  My entire outlook was better after being out today with him.

I have decided after typing this, that I disklike hombrecito.  So I think I will refer to him as mi hijo or hijo.  I like it much better. rolls off my fingers much easier too as I type.

Also, if the exchange student and her friends and family find this blog, I will go private, so fingers crossed that they never find it, as I like being out in the larger blogging world with our adventures.

I have missed a bunch of gratitude days and rather than catch up - I am just going to strat again.

I am grateful for the lives spared in Haiti, I am grateful that I live in a country that can send aid to those who need help.  I am grateful that I have more than enough, that I can give to aid those who don't.  That sounds crass- but the reality is that I live in one of the richest countries in the world- most of what I have in my house is a "want" not a "need".  by giving up my wants I am able to help others with their needs. I stood in front my closet this evening, putting away clothes, mentally ticking off what is leaving the closet this weekend to go to Haiti.  there are a number of places I drop items off.  I counted 5 blankets in my closet alone, there are 3 more in hijo's room, another 4 in the spare bedroom, there are clothes that can go, shoes that can go, etc.  These are all things I thought I needed, but I really just wanted them.  I am grateful for the ability to help others and I am grateful I see my excess as something I can give away.  Tomorrow is pay day at my house, I will be looking at what we can do without, so I can make some donations to charities - becuase my money is just as needed by others as are my things.

What makes me sad about myself and my choices, is that if I had made better choices in the last few years, I would have more to give away- but I am grateful I have what I have now to give away.  It is not about my wants- it is about their needs.

Love to you,

Oh yea, I changed my moniker too.

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