Saturday, May 23, 2009

Butterfly show and otherr fun stuff

We had a fun filled Saturday.

Our day ended with dinner with our life group from church. Bug spent the evening playing with the other kids- many times he was on the sidelines watching, but he was having fun. He found and held the softball for the entire time we were outside. See, Bug at one end of the yard and the other kids at the other end- Bug is always watching.

he finally decided to have dinner- everyone else was done. He had chips and corn and 1 tomato. he refused chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, fruit salad, etc. But he was happy.
Asleep on the way home from the butterfly show. Actually, this is in the parking lot of the grocery store. Mam had to pick up medicine and Bug was already sleeping, so I stayed in the car with him.

After the Butterfly show, we headed across the river for some yummy pizza. even though we headed across the river, it is on our way home. We sat on the patio and watched the people below us on the riverwalk. Bug ate all the pepperoni from the entire pizza!!!!!

Before leaving the park where the butterfly show is held, we walked down to the lake. Bug liked it. In the fall, they have a balloon glow here- I would love to bring Bug down for that.

Bug's rojo red butterfly. Fabric and safe to touch in Bug's mind. It is about noon in this picture and it was already hot a humid. I think this was a good reminder of what our vacation is going to be like. I need to get Bug and I drinking lots more water each day to prep for our vacation. Otherwise we are going to be very uncomfortable the first few days.

The lake again

Yep- he had to touch the water.

Bug and Momma by the waterfall. Bug has on a butterfly mask he made in the kids area of the butterfly show.

throwing money into the waterfall. Bug really wanted to see the goldfish in the pond, but they were all hiding today.

Mam and Momma as seen by Bug.

My little Butterfly Boy

Working on a mandala- actually, he took over mine. You can see his mask below the paper.

Momma and the butterflies


The closest that bug got to a butterfly. For all his talk yesterday about the butterfly landing on his finger, once we got into the show- he was having no part of getting close to the butterflies. he actually wanted to leave right away. His evil momma forced him to stay since she wanted to see the butterflies and then horrors of horrors, one landed on him. That was it- he was done at that point.

Blue Morpho Butterfly. I kept trying to pick one up- there were lots of these- and they kept flying away. I also wanted to get a picture of one flying, but never was able to thanks to the "scared to death of the butterflies" toddler hanging on me and throwing a fit.

I got this butterfly on my finger.

We had a good day. In between the butterfly show and dinner with friends, we did some garden work. We planted the foxgloves I bought almost a month ago and we bought loads of flowers to expand our front garden and we mulched the front garden. We need to buy about 5 more bags of mulch after I finish expanding the front garden (may tomorrow or maybe Monday). I will post pictures of the garden tomorrow.
Love to you,

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