After work was done today- Bug and I headed out to the park for some fun in the sun. Bug was looking quite sporty in his vacation wear he picked out at the flower show last month. He was adamant about wearing this outfit and I went with the flow.

We fed some ducks and lots of geese with our new friend C. Bug decided that the geese were getting way to close and he asked to be put on the wall escape them. C was very happy to drop bread right in front of his feet to see if the ducks would come closer- the geese were happy to come closer, while the ducks hung back. The geese were as big as the boys.

Just watching the geese. This is at the end of our time at the park- Bug had been running around for 90 minutes, sweat pouring off of him.

Playing together. Here is the scoop, Bug asked C if he wanted to play. We did not know C before this- Bug just walked up to him. The difference between the park and soccer- Bug has been to the park before- lots of times. So I think we might start going to some soccer games so Bug gets used to being at the soccer fields, then maybe next summer, he will be willing to play soccer.
C's mom was sitting near me and she and I started talking. We hit it off just like the boys. So we have exchanged phone numbers to get together for some play dates.
After the park- we stopped for KFC before heading to the store to pick up allergy meds for Bug and me. Bug devoured his chicken, my chicken, and my mash potatoes. I think playing made him hungry.

We are off to the butterfly show tomorrow morning, then some work around the house in the afternoon and finally dinner with friends tomorrow night. That is the extent of our finalized plans. We would like to get to the festival at the mall- Bug wants to ride the rides- so we might do that on Sunday after church. Maybe we can convince Pap to come along.
For the those in the US- have a wonderful memorial Day weekend. Take some time to remember the sacrifices of those who have fought and died for us and this country.
Love and hugs,
Aw, that is some cute vacation wear!! Great outfit choice, Bug. :-)