Bug and Hermano had a good time together. Yes, we saw some toddler behaviors, but they were both happy to see each other and hang out- blowing bubbles, riding the tractor, playing and being silly.

Talking to Mireya, Popi, and Susi. It was very hard to hear with the phones we had- the echo from having 3 phones going was a bit much on our end. So it was not exactly what I thought it might be- it was still a call with friends. Both Bug and hermano spoke to Popi and Momi Mireya. I hope this call was a blessing.

Vaca momma handing the phone to hermano

Hermano decided to go off roading in his 4 wheeler. Actually, he scared us all- we were feeding the calf- see below- and Bug came over to tell us hemano was lost. We fanned out looking for him and found him behind the barn- stuck in the mud (not just mud- this is behind the barn filled with cows- I leave you to imagine what might be in the puddle).

Feeding the calves. Vaca daddy played a trick on me. The red hair calf does not get a bottle, but will steal it from the brown calf. usually the red haired calf- moo cow- get fed first and then Betsy get a bottle. Vaca Daddy sent me in the pen before feeding moo cow and moo cow mad sure I knew he was hungry. I also learned by you should stand with your legs glued together when in a pen with hungry calves.

true love. I hope one day, I have the honor of having a marriage like Vaca Dad and Vaca mom. They are a wonderful example of love and partnership in a marriage. Thanks so much for letting Bug and I be part of your lives.


Bug- driving the tractor. He is on my lap- so I could not get a better angle.
No, I did not know tractors have CD players. Looks like you had a full day with lots of good memories made.