Putting money in the wishing well for the support of the cat house.

Turtle Boy

A petting the turtle

The zoo keepers had various animals out- turtles, snakes, owls and you could pet some of them, ask questions, and just see them up close. It was very cool. Bug and I only touched turtles.

M posing in the jungle
Little M posing in the jungle

T and Y near the polar bears
The lion was roaring at someone. The kids loved it.
Bug enjoying the polar bears. All 3 bears were right in front of him.

Momma and Bug in front of the Manatees. They were eating lettuce and the other fish in the tank were helping the manatees eat. Too cute.

M posing in the jungle

T and Y near the polar bears

Momma and Bug in front of the Manatees. They were eating lettuce and the other fish in the tank were helping the manatees eat. Too cute.
Oh my, I saw that first picture and thought it was a REAL rhino and gasped! Geez, I guess I should drink my coffee before looking at blogs. What a fun fun fun day!!!