We went splashing in the puddles. I have to admit that I have avoided this due to the mess factor- but hey- you are only young once. And let me tell you, jumping in mud puddles is very stress relieving

we splashed and jumped (I am sure the neighbors were watching us- or at least the kids were)

My pants were soaked to my knees (my boots are covered by my jeans) and Bug's pants and socks were soaked inside his boots. Good thing we have hot water for bath time.

Loving playing in the rain and puddles.

We went over to the next street- only about 6 houses and cars can see us from the main street so less likely that they would come up on us as they can on our street. We walked along the edge of the street - in the curb area. full streams of water were flowing by.

Love and hugs,
How much fun was that!!!!! Wish we would have done that!