Bug did well in the car. I expected him to sleep at least 2 hours of the trip. But instead he slept for 30 minutes, then colored, talked, sang, watched the road, watched the rain and then fell asleep the last 30 minutes of our drive.
Little E- growing up. These rocks are from El's yard- in order to garden, she has to first dig up the huge rocks. In some ways I wish I had these rocks- instant garden bed definition and it is free except for the digging them out. Hard work.
Bug refused to be serious- so this is his imitation of chicken
Sharing tomatoes- bug ate all the tomatoes on the cutting board in front of him. We had burritoes for dinner (Cinco de Mayo is this week)
Bug and Little E playing behind the chair in the corner.
bouncing on the balls.
The proud parents- El and I have been friends since 8th grade- which, yes, El I am going to say it, is something like 25 years!!!!! Where has the time gone. El is married to C. He is a great guy. They are a fun couple to hang out with. I can easily spend time with either of them.
The kids practiced jumping
Bug did some serious cutting in line. Which is funny since he just had to wait for one person to go then he could go- but he would push in front of E to jump again. And of course, we had action poses and yelling to show how serious the jumping was.
Saturday morning, Bug and I got up and I took him outside to play while E woke up. 8 am basketball and soccer and some swinging. I am sure some neighbors were less than happy that there was this yelling 3 year old out and about. But Bug was happy.
Basket head Bug
Happy momma- getting some sun and rest.
Just hanging out. I think the fact that Bug loved this playset bodes well for the playset that should be arriving this week at our house.
We did do some shopping- the kids buckled up in the new car at El's house. Bug loved the doors because he could open them from the outside.
E got an elephant hat (which Bug wanted because E had it). They were great while we hung out talking to my friends, who are friends of E's family too.
K, D, little K and S. I last saw the whole family 7 years ago- when S was in kindergarten. D and I used to work together. Monday she starts at the company I work for- although we will both be home based employees.
I got some great things at the store- fair trade items- gloves for Bug for the winter, a pair for me that is gloves and mittens in combination and then a pair of fingerless gloves for the winter when I am working during the day. I keep the house cool enough that in the winter, my hands get very cold. it will nice to have these to keep me warmer.
Saturday night, we headed out for a walk and scooter ride after dinner. We had Ali Baba's= my favorite medditerrean resturant. Bug did not like it. E and Little E- what a precious pair.
He had to have little E's scooter- the adult scooter with the adjustable handle bars was not good enough
Sunday morning before we left town- we hit some book stores for some children's books. The bookstores near me don't have a good selection, and getting over to the other side of town is a chore at times. So I took the opportunity to checkout bookstores while I was up north. At the second, we had a snack- hot chocolate and sweet treats.
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