Friday, May 08, 2009

Delivery- what delivery????

Today was the day that Bug's playset was due to be delivered. I received a call on Wednesday indicating that the the playset would be here between 11-3 pm today. Yep- no leaving the house for lunch today.

So I sat and worked and waited. At 2:30- I broke down and called the delivery place to see if they knew when the guy would come (totally knowing that they were going to tell me the delivery guys was behind). I asked the dispatcher if the delivery guy would be able take the playset (in 2 boxes) to the back year. I was told that so long as there were no steps, he would be able to do it. and I was told that the delivery would be there between 3:30 and 4.

So the guy arrived while I was on a conference call with my boss- but she was very understanding. The guy was not sure he was going to get the boxes to the backyard- "lady, it is 400 pounds". So I asked if he had a dollie - he did- so I am not seeing the issue.

10 minutes later- he rings the door bell to tell me that he could not even get the boxes on to the lift gate- much less the dollie. And he was taking the boxes back to the depot and on Monday, they would be put on a truck with 2 delivery guys.

So my thought here- clearly someone had to load the boxes on the truck and set up the delivery- of course I suspect that the boxes were loaded with a fork lift. So they knew full well that one person could not lift the boxes, so why would they send one delivery guy.

Thankfully the manly men to set up the play set are not due until next Saturday. it is going to be an adventure.

Love to you,


  1. That seems to ridiculous. I would be throwing a fit if I were you.

  2. Something similar happened in our neighborhood last year. A huge heavy delivery on a one-man truck. The package was on wheels so the guy thought he would just roll it down the ramp. The box had different ideas. It slid off the side of the ramp and crushed the mans legs. All to save a few bucks. You are lucky this guy knew better than to try it alone.
