The garden is coming along. Lettuce is coming up - cucumbers are getting bigger. Still no signs of the watermelon.

Peppers and Tomatoes are growing- yummmmmmm

potatoes are taking over the garden

AND- we have strawberries!!!! Bug was not home when I was checking the garden, so he did not get to enjoy the MUY DELICOSO strawberries. There are some more that need a few more days to ripen- he will get those.

Before I picked them.

Playset in the box in the yard. There are 3 boxes- 450 pounds of wood, screws and swings.

Wood all laid out and organized. Tomorrow is put the playset together day.
Love to you,
Lucky you. We haven't even been able to till our garden yet because it is too wet here. None of the farmers have been able to get into their fields yet either.