Little man had his first soccer practice/game today. About an hour before we left for the soccer complex he was pulling some of the same behaviors he did at swimming- whining and crying. But we got there, momma played with him on the field until Y showed up and then by the time practice started- momma was refusing to let him off the field. Thankfully, Y's momma did the same with her and we were a team united against the toddlers who decided that they wanted out. Amazing how being forced to stay on the field changed their outlook. They both enjoyed it. Although when the practice broke into teams and Bug and Y end up on opposite teams- you could definitely see that they were done with that idea.
I can't post many pictures- the kids all wore name tags - and since I don't want to name kids without permission from their parents, most of the pictures are from the back.

Bug was one thirsty kid and covered in sweat by the end of the 45 minutes.

Cute little soccer girl- Bug's best buddy- Y

Heading the ball

Another shot. I think it was to teach the kids what parts of the body can touch the ball- no hands, but heads, elbows, feet can touch. And yes, Bug has his hands on the ball

Learning how to freeze

little buddies

Soccer Bug!!!!

Let's see- Bug's ball is the gold/red/purple one and notice where Bug is in relation to the ball. yep, that's my boy- he was going to get Y's ball for her.

During the game- Bug was on the back line. They were an enthusiastic bunch- NOT. Bug was not interested until the coach told him he could run anywhere and then he headed for Y in the back line on her team.

Dressed and ready to go play soccer.
Bug did not fall asleep in the car like I predicted, but he was asleep in 10 minutes after crawling into bed. maybe we need to play soccer every night???
Love and hugs,
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